This event is seeking additional sponsors. We invite companies in Southern California to support the area students by participating as sponsors. If you would like to join our sponsors please use the contact form on the Organizers page. Participation can have the following benefits:
- Support and encourage the socio-economically disadvantaged communities near you
- Help students develop their creativity
- Build you brand awareness and improve your brand image in Southern California
The event anticipates participation from 50 to 100 applicants and to ensure the event can provide its benefits to the most participants sponsors can participate in at least the following ways:
- AWARD SPONSOR: Contribute funding to allow expansion of the number of prizes. One set of prizes (1st, 2nd and 3rd) requires a donation of $750. Any one of the Challenge’s five technology categories may be specified. The AWARD SPONSOR’s name or logo will be included on the event’s promotional banners, flyers, award certificates, as well as being included in any blog posts, email newsletters and social media posts. The sponsor will additionally receive an IEEE Certificate recognizing their participation as an event sponsor.
- COMPONENT SPONSOR: Contribute funding to allow additional numbers of the materials offered to the applicants shown on the RESOURCES page. For example, sets of thermoelectric voltage generator and DC to DC amplifier ($75), ROBOTIS DYNAMIXEL robot servo actuator ($100), Opla loT kits ($100), ROBOTIS Gyro Sensor ($50). Arduino Starter Kit (Multi-language) ($100). The COMPONENT SPONSOR’s name or logo will be included on the event’s promotional banners, flyers, award certificates, as well as being included in any blog posts, email newsletters and social media posts. The sponsor will additionally receive an IEEE Certificate recognizing their participation as an event sponsor.
- TECHNICAL SPONSOR: Contribute potential project ideas to the students. These can include problems to which the students might propose solutions within their project applications. TECHNICAL SPONSORS may also provide staff who serve on the various event operating committees or as advisors and mentors.
In addition the following INSTITUTIONAL and ACADEMIC SPONSORS are also contributing to the success of this event.
IEEE Foothill and Orange County Sections – AWARD Sponsors
IEEE Foothill & Orange County Joint Sections Nanotechnology Council Chapter – AWARD Sponsor
Maury Microwave
Diamond Bar High School
Walnut High School
California State University at Fullerton;
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona;
Chapman University;
South Coast Air Quality Management District;
CSUF National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)