The IEEE Student Engineering Team Challenge (IEEE SETC) is focused on students from socio-economic disadvantaged communities with the goal to stimulate interest in the STEM fields. This challenge is actively looking to include minority students of color but any interested student may apply. These students are invited to participate, along with a few of their peers, in this poster competition by displaying an original project proposal focused on a few targeted topics.

Students in High School and College considering College majors in science and engineering disciplines are encouraged to try their hand at meeting this team challenge by designing and displaying a solution for or an investigation into a problem area associated with one of the topical boundaries of this year’s challenge.

For some of the topical areas startup training and materials may be available. IEEE Student Members may be available to train and assist as well.

Team projects that are inclusive and collaborative showcasing creativity and ingenuity will be shared with an audience of academic and industrial technical experts who will provide recognition and award prizes in several participant categories.

Prizes in each participant category: $400 First Prize, $250 Second Prize, $100 Third Prize.

Topics included in the next Challenge:

Sustainability Technology: Renewable/Alternative Energy; Smart Grid; Water Resources; Ocean/Air Waste & Pollution; Societal Implications & Quality of Life.

Robotics Technology: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Soft Robotics; Other Types of Robotics.

Sciences and Health Technology: Physics; Biology; Chemistry; Health.

Multidisciplinary Technology: Combinations of Sciences and Engineering Disciplines.

How to participate and important deadlines:

Form a team of two to four participants.

There is no submission fee. Submit by TBD and you will be notified of the acceptance of you submission by TBD.

Final Project Demonstration and Poster Presentation will be due on line on TBD.

Each project will be judged based on inclusive and collaborative the team is and its overall complexity, originality and completion of the work with extra creativity giving your project an advantage.